5 signs of liver damage that can also indicate cancer

5 signs of liver damage that can also indicate cancer

Recognizing signs of liver problems, especially those that may be caused by cancer, is crucial for early detection and an increased chance of successful treatment. Certain signs are common between liver damage and liver cancer, which complicate distinguishing between the two. However, observing and noting the signs of liver damage that can indicate cancer and seeking timely consultation can help one get the most suitable treatment. Thus, here are a few signs to note:

Jaundice is a condition characterized by the yellowing of the skin and eyes, which is essentially a discoloration resulting from the build-up of bile salts. Bile is a digestive fluid produced by the liver that normally flows into the intestine. However, in case of liver damage, bile salts may accumulate in the skin, leading to jaundice. The condition can also be a sign of liver cancer.

Abdominal swelling
Abdominal swelling, a common symptom in both liver cancer and liver damage, can occur due to multiple causes. In liver cancer, the enlargement of a tumor or the growing cancer within the liver may contribute to abdominal swelling, particularly on the right side of the body. Alternatively, liver damage may also lead to increased pressure in the liver, which forces blood to back up in veins, resulting in fluid accumulation in the abdomen.

Loss of appetite
Loss of appetite, another shared symptom between liver cancer and liver damage, can also occur due to multiple factors. The tumor cells associated with liver cancer produce enzymes that can affect the appetite. Additionally, the presence of a growing liver tumor may exert pressure on surrounding organs, which then causes a sensation of fullness even after consuming small portions of food.

Nausea and vomiting
Persistent nausea and vomiting may also indicate liver-related issues, including liver cancer. These occur due to liver tumors, which can produce hormones that disrupt the normal functioning of other organs, leading to conditions such as hypercalcemia. This condition is characterized by elevated calcium levels in the blood. These elevated calcium levels can then lead to one experiencing nausea and other health issues.

Itching, a common symptom in liver conditions, may also indicate liver cancer. Like jaundice, itching of the skin also occurs due to the build-up of bile salts in the skin. When the liver is damaged or not functioning well, it may struggle to process and eliminate bile properly, leading to the accumulation of bile salts. This build-up can then cause itching, which serves as an external indicator of liver distress.

It is crucial for one to understand that these signs may not always indicate cancer. However, all of the signs are severe and must not be overlooked either. If one experiences any of these symptoms, they must consult a healthcare professional at the earliest. Consulting a doctor for a thorough examination, including diagnostic tests as required, is essential for accurate identification of the ailment and starting the treatment early.