Do your feline friends act indifferent to what is happening at the table but creep up to nibble at the scraps later? The odds are that your kitty likes being around your food even though it is not fit for them. And the good news is that several human foods are safe for cats if cooked in specific ways! So, try serving your cat these human foods at the table alongside its regular cat food: Oily fish varieties Cats are fish eaters; however, raw fish contains bacteria, causing food poisoning, and a particular enzyme that depletes thiamine, an essential B vitamin, from your cat’s body. Nonetheless, fish contains omega-3 fatty acids and protein that cats require to retain their undying energy levels. Thus, the best bet is to serve your cat freshly boiled fish without adding salt, pepper, or other spices. Oily fish varieties like salmon, tuna, herring, sardines, and mackerel are ideal for your cat. Oatmeal Packed with fiber and iron, oatmeal is an excellent addition to your cat’s food routine. It can also be effective for skin ailments. However, it helps your cat steer clear of dairy as it can cause acute indigestion. You may serve your cat cooked rolled oats mixed with water for breakfast.