Cold sores, also known as fever blisters, are painful blisters that appear on the lips and the surrounding areas. These blisters can be seen in groups of 10 or individually and are caused by the Type 1 or Type 2 herpes virus. The infections can be painful and make one feel sick for days at a stretch. These cold sores may be manipulated by the food eaten; hence some food items are better avoided. Coping with cold sores – foods to avoid Food and nutrient intake plays a vital role in overall health, including lip health. If one finds themselves prone to cold sores, it’s important to check the foods taken in because this condition results from various factors, and food can be one of the primary triggers. Curry In general, spicy foods should be avoided by patients prone to cold sores. One of the reasons is that a highly spicy meal may irritate the area around the mouth. It increases the discomfort caused by the condition and can heighten the problems suffered by the patient. Instead, one can try a stew, mashed potatoes, or even a mild casserole for the main meal. Pickle Salty foods rich in vinegar can cause irritating sensations in people suffering from cold blisters.