A migraine is a condition that causes recurring and severe headaches accompanied by other symptoms like nausea and sensitivity to light. A migraine attack is far more severe than a regular headache and can last for hours to several days. Common triggers include hormonal changes in women, medications, stress, food additives, and certain foods. There are several to alleviate the symptoms of a migraine attack: these include certain foods to manage the condition better. Here are some foods that prevent and control migraine attacks: Water Dehydration causes headaches and is also a trigger for migraines. This is why it is essential to drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration. About one-third of those with the condition say dehydration is a trigger. In fact, for many, the slightest hint of dehydration can cause a throbbing headache. In addition to that, dehydration can lead to confusion and dizziness and become a medical emergency. It is vital to keep track of one’s water intake and restrict the consumption of diuretics. Sometimes, a migraine attack can be controlled by simply drinking a glass of water. Fresh food Processed foods can be unhealthy and cause migraine attacks. Meals consisting of freshly prepared foods, like fruits, vegetables, and lean meats, are recommended for those with migraines.