People sell their houses for several reasons. For instance, someone may want to downsize, relocate to another place, or simply take advantage of a profitable housing market. Whatever the reason, selling a home can be overwhelming, especially for those unfamiliar with the various rules and regulations. Knowing the common mistakes people make when selling their homes and trying to avoid them can save precious money and time while reducing stress. Refusing to hire a professional real estate agent Many homeowners do not hire professional real estate agents because they charge high commissions, generally 5% to 6% of the house’s overall sale price. While it may seem expensive, the services of an agent are quite worth the high price, especially for those planning to sell their house for the first time. The expert will help decide a competitive and fair price for the home, which can invariably increase the chances of a quick sale. Besides, they will work as a representative while interacting with potential buyers, saving time for the homeowner. Not setting a realistic price Overpricing is one of the top mistakes many make. Whether working with an agent or alone, homeowners must set an appropriate asking price for the property.