Christmas is right on the horizon, and it might get difficult for some of you to hold onto your excitement. And rightly so, it is like the oscar of the festivals, where there’s family time, entertainment, and a lot of gifts and sweets. As much as we love keeping up the traditions, it doesn’t hurt to change things up a little. Here are a few ideas that can give you one more reason to celebrate the impending celebration. Have a gift wrapping race As the holiday season approaches, everyone gets busy shopping for gifts and then wrapping them. This year make this activity a full-fledged event. Inform everyone beforehand so that you all can arrange cardboard or plain boxes and Christmas cards on time. This will help you keep things a surprise for the giftee, and you can have a fun time seeing how lousy the packaging can get if there is a clock ticking in the background. DIY holiday cards If you’re looking for an activity that would keep everyone right from kids to grandparents occupied, this might be the one for you. Arrange a family day where you all sit around the table reminiscing about your older Xmas memories and favorite things about the holiday season.