Coupons have become a way of shopping for most. They are a marketing gimmick by the companies to get customers to spend more. But if you are a smart shopper and manage your money well, you would know how much money you can save with the help of coupons. To help you, here are different types of coupons that can help you save money. Digital coupons Digital coupons, also known as electronic coupons, are a type of coupon that is being widely used in the marketing industry these days. They are discount codes or offers users receive via electronic communication and can be either a store coupon or a manufacturer coupon. Digital coupons are further divided into multiple types. Store coupons Store coupons are specific to the store and have mostly nothing to do with the manufacturer. These types of coupons can be found either digitally or in paper format. You can try finding one on the store’s website or in person at the outlet. These coupons save you on the amount you spend rather than on the items you purchase. You may also find some store coupons in their newsletter or weekly flyers that are often delivered along with the newspapers.