After a whole day of work, even walking to the nearest coffee shop seems like a hassle. It takes more time and requires energy you’d rather conserve. Enter hoverboards, which are amazing to look at and are a safe mode of transportation. All you have to do is learn how to balance them, and you’re good to go. Kids can ride them to school, and you can even ride one to work! Top 10 hoverboards to look out for this Black Friday Good quality hoverboards are fun and safe to ride, even for kids! In case you’re thinking of buying one this Black Friday, here are some of the best options to look out for: Epikgo Sport Self-balancing Scooter A single hoverboard that can run on all terrains! it has 8.5-inch tires and can support a weight of 265 pounds. It can also easily handle dry and wet road conditions. If this has impressed you, then check out for Black Friday deals on this product and take home this smooth ride. Razor Hovertrax 2.0 Hoverboard While normal hoverboards use a pair of 250-watt motors, this beast employs a 350-watt one! If you are looking out to buy one of the best hoverboards at an affordable price, then don’t forget to check out deals on Razor’s official website this Black Friday!